Establishing an Outpost

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  • Starting your own outpost is a step in a big direction. Establishing an outpost is the first step to a prosperous nation, and a brighter future for you and your colleagues.


    To establish an outpost, it must:

    • Be located at least 3000 blocks from the nearest player outpost
    • Be located at least 5000 blocks from the spawns

    The Process

    So you want to start your outpost. This will guide you on how to establish your outpost.

    Step 1

    Decide on a name. What are you going to name it and where will you locate it? Find a good spot in the wild. Look for your favorite biome or structure, a good spot to start your outpost always have a central spot where everyone can meet. This location can be as close as five thousand blocks away from spawn or really as far away as you want. Make sure to plan out travel to and from spawn or surrounding nations.

    Step 2

    Plan out your outpost. Now that you've decided on a name and found a spot. You need to locate the center of your outpost. When you submit your request to establish an outpost, you will have to pre-determine a marker location for the center of your outpost. Keep in mind this marker has to be locatable by Eternal Realms Staff if the need arises.

    Outpost Marker

    Step 3

    It's time to create a thread. Click on "Create Establishment Request" below and fill in the Thread Title with your outpost name and make sure to include the following.

    • Outpost Name
    • Coordinates to your ideal marker location, or state that staff can contact you for the location
    • Whether you want your outpost to appear on the live map.
    • Initial list of members and/or managers (optional)

    Create Establishment Request

    Step 4

    Once you post your request using the "Post Thread", it may take up to a week for staff to view it. If there are issues with your request, you will be contacted by staff.

    If you are not contacted within one week of posting, please report the post to bring it to our attention.