Forum rules

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  • Forum Rules

    These rules apply to every single post on the forums. If you find a post in breach of any of the following rules, please use the forum post report button. In the event a situation was not handled correctly, please contact the Admin Staff Team to discuss.

    Notice Following these rules, all players may freely communicate with the Community. Violation of these rules may result in the removal of this ability and further action from staff.

    Keep Eternal Realms Clean + Friendly

    1. Do not use inappropriate or vulgar words.
    2. Do not be rude to other players.
      • Be mindful of players of other religions, ethnic background, political views that may differ from yourself. It is never okay to insult or intend to cause harm to another player(s).
    3. Do not spam.
      • Posting multiple posts and/or threads with the same, or similar content.
      • Posting off-topic content, or content with no value.
      • Posting for the sole use of advertising an outside product or website.
      • Posting in any language except English (unless discussing specifically the language)
      • Bumping a thread too often.
        • A "bump" is a post that was made to bring itself to the top of the most recent threads list without offering new or meaningful content to the thread.
    4. Do not use other languages. English is required.
    5. Do not ask players for their personal information (IRL).
    6. Do not use inappropriate profile pictures.
    7. Do not advertise or mention other servers.

    Eternal Realms is a Minecraft Community. Threads about topics that cause conflict or lead to harrasment are not allowed. Posting about these topics may result in your account being removed, if deemed appropriate by Staff.

    Controversial Topics include, but are not limited to:

    • Drugs (including recreational)
    • Alcohol
    • Sexuality & Sexual Activities
    • Politics
    • Religion
    • Illegal Activities
    • Sexism & Racism
    • Mental Health
    If you have a question regarding if something is controversial or not. please ask Staff before posting.

    Do Not Abuse Features

    Actions listed by this rule offer a few scenarios, but may not be limited to these.

    1. Asking for likes or follows.
    2. Exploiting bugs
    3. Hacking or gaining access to other players' accounts.
    4. Using alt accounts or friends to boost likes, followers, or trophies. Alternate accounts include any accounts associated with your IPs.

    Obey Sectional Rules

    All threads must be posted in their appropriate categories. If a thread is posted incorrectly, it may be moved by a staff member to the appropriate section. If it does not follow the section rules, it may be locked without warning.