Commands: Anti-Grief

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  • Anti-Grief Commands

    To help prevent griefing, we have a robust protections system you can use to secure your builds.

    Default Protections

    Some blocks are protected by default, therefore you don't have to use any commands to protect them.
    Some of these blocks are:

    • Signs
    • Beds
    • Skulls
    • Glass & Tinted Glass
    • Stained Glass
    • Stained Glass Panes
    • Trapdoors & Doors
    • Fences & Gates
    • Ores & Raw Ores
    • Stained & Glazed Terracotta
    • Copper Blocks
    • Corals
    • Bricks & Stone Bricks
    • Flower Pots
    • Anvils
    • Pressure Plates
    • Rails
    • Logs
    • Slabs & Stairs
    • Buttons
    • Walls
    • Wool & Carpets
    • Banners
    • Candles
    • Amethyst
    • Azalea
    • Dripstone
    • Calcite
    • Smooth Basalt
    • Cave Vines (glowberry plant)
    • Dripleaves
    • Glow Lichen
    • Hanging Roots
    • Lightning Rods
    • Powdered Show
    • Cauldrons
    • Sculk Sensors
    • Moss
    • Processed Deepslate
    • Beacons
    • Bookshelves
    • Brewing Stands
    • Chests
    • Redstone Components
    • Storage Blocks (Iron, Gold, Redstone, etc.)
    • Smooth Stone
    • Crafting Tables & Furnaces
    • Iron Bars
    • Item Frames & Paintings
    • Jukeboxes
    • Ladders
    • Mossy Cobblestone
    • Obsidian
    • Quartz
    • Sea Lanterns
    • Jukeboxes
    • Hay, Pumpkins, and Bamboo
    • Polished, Cut, or Chiseled Stones and Sandstones
    • Armor Stands
    • Sponges
    • Cobwebs
    • Cakes
    • Clay
    • End Rods & Purpur
    • Kelp & Seagrass
    • Conduit
    • Scaffolding
    • Lanterns
    • Profession Blocks
    • Bells
    • TNT


    To create a chained explosion, enable No Protect Mode before placing your TNT.


    • /noprotectmode, /noprmode [on|off] - Enable or disable No Protect Mode, while in this mode nothing you place will be protected.
    • /buildmode, /bmode [on|off] - Enable or disable Build Mode, while in this mode everything you place will be protected.