Established Joy's place

  • With the update to Minecraft 1.20.1 rolled out, we will need to reset the Wastelands. Unless anything unforseene happens, we will be resetting the Wastelands on May 4th, 2024.
    A backup date of May 11th, 2024 will be used if more time is needed for players to remove their items from the Wastelands. Please be sure to recover/remove all items and blocks that you don't want to loose from the Wastelands before this date, as anything left will be deleted upon reset.


Jan 16, 2020
Sacramento, California
Hi all, I finally found a spot in the wilderness that I'd like to claim for myself!

I plan to live there, store my stuff, but... I also plan on making some future-planned things publicly available!

Currently, the place is under-construction, mainly due to lack of free time in my personal life, plus I'm waiting until 1.16 before I make a very convenient pathway through the nether to my place.

If you happen to see me at my place out in the wilderness, feel free to say hi! ^^