We're glad to announce that Eternal Realms has been updated to Minecraft 1.19.2!
Along with the update to Minecraft 1.19.2, there have been a handful of bug fixes as well as some new features added:
- Added MinecraftServers.Org as a Vote Site - Vote Now!
- Added hover messages to Last Seen and First Sign-In in /pinfo
- Fixed claimed Striders being able to be eggified by anyone
- Added Allay, Frog, and Warden Mob Heads
- Added Allay and Frog Eggification
- Added Allay Protections
- Allays that are holding an item can only have it taken away by the player that gave it
- Allays that are holding an item cannot be attacked by other players
- Added a Player Setting to toggle Mob Head drops
- Fixed ban and mute information not refreshing properly
- Fixed mutes not expiring until a player reconnects
- Added missing death messages from 1.17+
- Added a command to get an API key: /apikey
- The received key is used to generate a token for authenticating with certain API endpoints
- These keys will primarily be used for the Economy API. Documentation can be found on the wiki
- 51 commits
- 53 files changed
- 692 insertions
- 183 deletions
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