Eternal Realms Bug Bounty Program

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  • At Eternal Realms, we strive to provide the best for our community. However, we aren't perfect, and neither is our code.
    If you have found an exploit or vulnerabilty in our services, we want to hear about it. Find out how to report it below.​

    To qualify for a reward under this program, you must:
    • Be the first to report the bug/exploit/vulnerability.
    • Have not made use of the bug/exploit/vulnerability.
    • Send a clear textual decsription along with steps to reproduce the bug. You may include attachments such as screenshots or video supporting content as necessary.
    • [Minecraft and Website Only]
      Use and/or access services from one of the following domains:
    Program Restrictions
    • You must use and test on accounts you directly own. Testing should never affect other users.
    • Testing must not violate any law, or disrupt or compromise any data or machine that is not your own.
    • Testing must be limited to sites and services Eternal Realms directly operates. We will not accept reports for any third-party services.
    • Testing must be done on either the Official Mojang Minecraft Java Client or the Official Eternal Realms Modpack
    • Do not preform any harmful activities that could effect the integrity of Eternal Realms. Examples of these kinds of activities include and are not limited to: brute forcing, denial of service (DOS) and packet spamming.
    • Do not use any scanners or automated tools to attempt and/or find vulnerabilities.
    • Information about any of these issues should not be publicly disclosed or shared until we have concluded our internal processes and resolved the issue.
    Potential Rewards
    To Be Determined
    How To Report Issues
    • Sensitive / Abusable Bugs
      • Item Duplication
      • Entity Overflow
      • Chunk Banning
      • Entity Speed
      • And so on...
    • All other reports may be sent through the in-game chat command: /bugreport

    We are unable to issue rewards to individuals who are on sanctioned lists or located in sanctioned countries (e.g. Cuba, Iran, and North Korea). You will be responsible for any restrictions or implications depending on your country of residency.

    Eternal Realms reserves the right to cancel or modify this program at any time. And the ulitimate decision over an award -- whether to give one and in what amount -- is decision that lies entirely within our discretion.