New profile posts

  • With the update to Minecraft 1.20.1 rolled out, we will need to reset the Wastelands. Unless anything unforseene happens, we will be resetting the Wastelands on May 4th, 2024.
    A backup date of May 11th, 2024 will be used if more time is needed for players to remove their items from the Wastelands. Please be sure to recover/remove all items and blocks that you don't want to loose from the Wastelands before this date, as anything left will be deleted upon reset.
Renewed my Amber Supporter. Glad to have it back, you don't really realize what you've been missing until you get it back. :D
Just bought Amber Supporter on the server! Gives access to a pretty nice aura as well as a cool colour in chat! 9/10 would recommend!
Christmas is coming up, and with it approaches the CROR Christmas party! All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP by PMing me on the forums or on Discord.
Welcome to Eternal Realms Mafuyuz! I really hope that you make yourself "feel at home" while you are here!
Working on building a sweet berry farm at CROR. Many of our new members have come to our new location and CROR is growing bigger and bigger by the day.