Cancelled FluffyLand

  • With the update to Minecraft 1.20.1 rolled out, we will need to reset the Wastelands. Unless anything unforseene happens, we will be resetting the Wastelands on May 4th, 2024.
    A backup date of May 11th, 2024 will be used if more time is needed for players to remove their items from the Wastelands. Please be sure to recover/remove all items and blocks that you don't want to loose from the Wastelands before this date, as anything left will be deleted upon reset.


New member
Nov 3, 2022
Boyne City Mi
FluffyNurdle is wishing to claim a outpost location, somewhere between Jinsue and Ironknight landing.

Maybe South of Jinsue and east of Ironknight landing? Final coordination may change upon review.

Thank you for letting me do this.