
  • With the update to Minecraft 1.20.1 rolled out, we will need to reset the Wastelands. Unless anything unforseene happens, we will be resetting the Wastelands on May 4th, 2024.
    A backup date of May 11th, 2024 will be used if more time is needed for players to remove their items from the Wastelands. Please be sure to recover/remove all items and blocks that you don't want to loose from the Wastelands before this date, as anything left will be deleted upon reset.
Hi, I'm Butter.

I have been on Eternal Realms for over two years now. In my spare time, I do many things such as making pottery, playing guitar, spending time with my family, and bowling.

I'm fairly active on the server, as a member of the Jinsue Empire.

I'm not very active on the server on Thursdays, because that's my busiest day of the week. Feel free to message me in-game if you need anything or just want to talk.

